Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Story #2 - The Daleks

If any story guaranteed that Doctor Who would be a success, it would have to be the very first Dalek story, simply entitled THE DALEKS...

Written by Terry Nation
Directed by Christopher Barry

Main Cast-
The Doctor - William Hartnell
Ian - William Russell
Barbara - Jacqueline Hill
Susan - Carole Ann Ford

Main Guest Cast-
Temmosus - Alan Wheatley
Alydon - John Lee
Dyoni - Virginia Wetherell

After their adventure with the cavemen in 100,000 BC, The Doctor and his companions Ian, Barbara and Susan travel to an alien planet.  They venture outside, unaware of the deadly radiation readings that, through continued exposure, will eventually kill them.

The Doctor is keen to explore the planet, especially a city that lies on the horizon.  Tricking his companions, who are much more eager to return to the Tardis and continue their travels, they venture to the city only to discover that the city is inhabited by the Daleks, a race so horribly scarred by the deadly radiation that they've encased themselves in movable metal armor.

After being captured by the Daleks, the Doctor begins to succumb to the radiation.  A pillbox, which had been mysteriously left behind, might contain medicine to help counteract the sickness.  Susan is forced to return to the Tardis to retrieve the pillbox and return to the city.

The pillbox had been left behind by a group of humans known as the Thals.  The Thals and the Dals (the ancestors of the Daleks) fought a war that led to the destruction of their planet.  Returning with the pillbox, the Doctor is restored to health.  However, the Daleks had ulterior motives, as they wanted the anti-radiation pills that the Thals had developed, so that they may escape the metal prisons.

For the Daleks, the Thal's pill's prove deadly, and it's discovered that they need the prescence of radiation to live.  Meanwhile, they continue to use the Doctor and his companions in hopes of luring the Thals' to the city with feigned friendship and peace offerings, all the while planning the Thals' destruction.

The Thals', meanwhile, have become a pacifists and it takes a great deal of urging by the Doctor and his companions to get the Thals to stand up against the Daleks and fight for their own survival.

Much of the Daleks back story would later be changed over the years, but this story holds up really well.  The iconic cliffhanger, where Barbara is being menaced by an unseen Dalek, would never work nowadays, as the Daleks are so ubiquitous.   However, back in 1963, this cliffhanger got people in Britain talking and tuning in the following week simply to see what kind of menace was lurking behind the sucker.

Quite simply put, The Daleks is top notch Doctor Who and brilliant television.

Up next, The Edge of Destruction...